olf Outing Tracker


King Data Privacy Policy

The Effective Date of this Privacy Policy is Febuary 25, 2016.

Your privacy is important to King Data, Inc. The following privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") discloses the information practices followed by King Data with respect to its public website, including the type of information that we gather, the way we use information internally and our policy regarding sharing information with others.

We have implemented these practices for the Golf Outing Tracker website (www.GolfOutingTracker.com) and its dependent pages. We have instructed our webmaster to include information regarding these privacy practices on each location on the Golf Outing Tracker website where personal information may be collected.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Personal information means any information that is related to an identified person, or that may be used to identify an individual, including, but not limited to: first and last name; email address; a home, postal or other physical address or other contact information; title, gender, occupation, industry, or personal interests; and other personal information necessary or useful to provide a product or service that you have requested. The types of personal information we collect and what we do with that information are listed below.

Domain Name and IP Address

We collect the domain names and IP addresses of our visitors for statistical purposes, in order to measure use, to improve the content or responsiveness of our site or to customize the content or layout of the site for the individual visitor. We do not disclose this information to third parties. We may also aggregate information relating to our visitors' traffic patterns from the data that we collect and retain concerning the IP addresses and domain names of our visitors, and we may divulge such aggregate information about our users with third parties such as our business partners, distributors, and service and support providers.

You may visit our website anonymously if you wish, by using appropriate software or web services available from or through third parties.

Log Files

We maintain a log file of all actions that are initiated or facilitated using our website in order to capture, record and store data concerning the transaction. Access to this data is restricted to internal usage by authorized King Data employees who administer our network and website.

E-Mail Address

We collect e-mail addresses that are volunteered by the visitor, from e-mail messages addressed to our company or its employees, through visitor participation in surveys, contests and site registrations or provided by the visitor when placing an order on the site.

We use the e-mail addresses for marketing purposes and to inform those interested in our products about events, products, services or other items of interest. Additionally, we use the e-mail addresses to notify visitors about recent updates to our website, to provide product or service news notifications or to send newsletters and promotions. We also use the e-mail addresses to process orders for products, services, brochures and other written materials, to respond to customer questions, to provide customer service and to inquire as to customer satisfaction and feedback.

You may opt-out of receiving the promotional or marketing e-mails at any time by emailing us at info@GolfOutingTracker.com. If you choose to opt-out of receiving e-mails, King Data's records will be updated within ten days of receipt of your request. These opt-out procedures will not be available for e-mails that are necessary to provide confirmation of a completed transaction (such as a purchase).

Credit Card Information

Collection and processing of credit cards is performed by the third-party service provider Amazon, www.amazon.com. Order delivery is performed by UPS, UPS.com, FedEx, FedEx.com, USPS, or USPS.com. These third party providers are not authorized or permitted to use personal information for any other reason other than those pertaining to processing order transactions.

Other Personal Information

If you do not wish to receive such mailings, you may request to be removed from the contact list by emailing us at info@GolfOutingTracker.com.

If you post reviews or comments on the GolfOutingTracker.com site and blog, you should be aware that any personally identifiable information you submit there can be read, collected, or used by other users of these forums, and could be used to send you unsolicited messages. We are not responsible for the personally identifiable information you choose to submit in comments on our blog. Please note that all product reviews are screened prior to posting and King Data will not post reviews containing personally identifiable information or inappropriate language.

Personal Information Released to Outside Parties

Any information that you provide to us will be used for our purposes only. Except as specified in this Policy, your information will not be shared with individuals outside of King Data or with other companies.

As a good corporate citizen, King Data complies with applicable law and legal obligations to respond to governmental, law enforcement and court requests for personal information and other information and data about our visitors and their transactions. King Data's legal counsel may access and use your personal information and other information or data in the event of a dispute, in response to legal process or law enforcement inquiries, abuse of our website, or violation of our Terms of Service Policy.

Data Security

We safeguard the security of the data you send us with certain physical, electronic, and managerial procedures. We have taken reasonable precautions to protect against misuse, theft, loss, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction of your personal information.

While we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure the security of the information you transmit to us, and so we urge you to take every precaution to protect your personal data when you are on the Internet. We suggest that you change your passwords often, that your passwords include a combination of letters and numbers, and that you make certain that you are using a secure browser. Products and services are available which can help give you privacy protection while navigating the Web.

Data Forwarding

We maintain your personal information on servers and computers located in the United States. We do not forward your personal information outside the United States.

Data Quality

We will take reasonable steps to insure that all data collected is accurate, complete and timely for the purposes for which they are to be used.

Children's Privacy

We do not structure our website to attract children. Accordingly, we do not knowingly collect information from anyone who is age 13 and under.

Third Party Sites

King Data's website contains links to other sites. When you click on one of these links you are being transferred to a website operated by someone other than King Data, and the operator of that website may have a different privacy policy. King Data does not share your personal information with these websites and is not responsible for their individual privacy practices. We encourage you to investigate the privacy policies of these operators.

Future Changes

By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of your information as we have outlined in this Privacy Policy and to our Terms of Service Policy. King Data may decide to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. When we do, we will post those changes on this page or by notice on our homepage, so that you are always aware of the information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. We will post a notice on this page for thirty (30) calendar days prior to the implementation of any material changes to this Privacy Policy. Such notice will provide information as to how you may remove your information from our database should you so desire.

Oversight and Questions

We welcome comments and questions on this policy. As stated above, we are dedicated to protecting your privacy, and we will make every reasonable effort to keep your information secure. Questions regarding our policy should be directed via email at inf@GolfOutingTracker.com.